Routine during travel
Thanks to Lorena for her comments on how she survives while traveling:
"....I got a laptop with three different ways to connect to the Internet, so that I can take care of email (and, uh, blog surfing) while on the go. I try to keep my routine as similar as I can; if I have time in the morning I have coffee and take care of email then like I do at home. Extras of all my usual toothpaste/toothbrush/shampoo things and keep them in a travel case all ready to go. And I got some of my favorite soap, and a plastic soap thing to carry it in. Makes me feel just a wee bit like I'm still home!..."
I really like the idea of keeping the traveling routine as similar as possible to one's normal routine. I had thought to get a laptop mainly so that I wouldn't have to deal with all the emails when I got back, but Lorena's comment made me realize that it's more than that. It's keeping a sense of normalcy, even when I'm away from what is most normal to me.
In the mornings I usually get up, start soaking my Chinese herbs to drink later, and then check my email. Since we have dial-up, I usually get ready for the day while things are loading. Then I eat breakfast and get going. I could keep a similar routine while traveling. In general, I like the idea of keeping the idea of "normal" in mind during my travel. Rather than completely changing things I could try to eat similar foods, try similar activities, etc. Not that I will always do that- I want to have some fun of course. But, that idea feels good.
Thanks Lorena :)
Two other bloggers I read recently spent over about a month and a half living halftime between the hospital and home in order to be with their newborn daughter while she became strong enough to come home with them. I noticed that although things were pretty crazy during that time, they did seem to develop a routine while they got through. Even little things, like always stopping at this particular Starbucks after being at the hospital, seems to make more of a difference than just caffeine-intake. I think it provides a mental and emotional grounding as well.
Routine is important - and is undervalued most of the time. Let's hear it for "the same old thing"! ;)
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