Friday, March 09, 2007

Back in the swing of things...

I have finally admitted to myself that it always seems to take me atleast a week after any trip out of town before I feel capable of attending to anything in my home territory. It then seems to take me atleast another week before I am capable of attending to anything beyond the basic necessities of life. This is true for a trip of any length. (Note that it's now been two weeks since our trip to CT.)

David and I had a wonderful time at my mom's 60th birthday weekend. The party was great, and I really enjoyed being there with my mom and other family members. It was great to meet all my mom's friends and co-workers whom I hear about. I danced and laughed and made merry. Unfortunately I did get sick upon my return. My whole family was coming down with something, and my body was probably more susceptible to it than usual, given the climate change. When we left Gainesville it was 75-80 degrees. Got into CT around 11pm and BRRRrrrrrr!!!!

But, I'm now coming back to myself. I even managed to begin looking at taxes today- wow for me! :)

All of this has me seriously looking at ways that I can make returns from trips easier. I will be going to Ohio and Michigan for a week this summer, then the trips to Philadelphia for grad school 4 times a year. In general, I may be doing this travel stuff more often than usual. I can't be laid up for weeks at a time while I figure my way back into my routines. Particularly with a business, it's hard when I'm out of the loop for any length of time.

I tend to have a hard time with transitions and change. I like routine. The process of packing is always hard on me. The process of being gone and then coming back is hard. It will be even harder when I have to be away from David.

I've decided that I will purchase a laptop. This will make it easier to stay in touch with David while I'm gone. Also, it may decrease the anxiety I feel when I return home and find 89 emails waiting for me. I always feel overwhelmed by that and it adds to my feeling "out of it". If I could stay on top of computer stuff when I'm gone, that may be better. Of course, the laptop will be good for school as well.

Other ideas for ways to make travel easier: I'm thinking that I will try to purchase or "make" doubles of some things so I don't have to get shampoo, soap, etc. together for every trip. I've also typed up a list of basic things I always need on trips, so I can more efficiently pack without getting so worked up.

I'd love any ideas you all have for ways you make travel easier. How do you keep connected to your significant other? Are there systems you have for making the process of travel easier?

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At Monday, March 12, 2007 6:13:00 AM, Blogger Lorena said...

Pretty much what you suggested-- I got a laptop with three different ways to connect to the Internet, so that I can take care of email (and, uh, blog surfing) while on the go. I try to keep my routine as similar as I can; if I have time in the morning I have coffee and take care of email then like I do at home. Extras of all my usual tootpaste/toothbrush/shampoo things and keep them in a travel case all ready to go. And I got some of my favorite soap, and a plastic soap thing to carry it in. Makes me feel just a wee bit like I'm still home! And then of course there's bringing more knitting projects than I could realistically finish...!


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