Monday, January 29, 2007

Meet Margaret... (and other spinning ventures)

...The long awaited spinning wheel! I've actually begun to get the hang of it. I admit that I still don't trust that I'm actually making yarn that I could actually USE- partly because the idea is just so astonishing, but also partly because, well, the yarn doesn't always work out the way I'm meaning it to when I spin. But, for the most part? Very cool. Margaret and I are getting to know one another slowly, but very surely- a lovely friendship is developing.

Wanna meet her?

The Majacraft Little Gem is portable (10 lbs), a double treadle (so I don't kill only one of my legs pedaling), made in New Zealand, comes with a lazy kate and 3 bobbins,, um...what else am I supposed to say about her? Well, she's just beautiful. When I opened her up (she comes with a carry case) the first thing I saw was a bobbin. I promptly burst into tears since I realized what it was, and I could feel the love from my mom and dad in this gift. Once I collected myself, I began to take the actual body out and burst into tears again- seeing the beauty of her wood. I never imagined I would have a beautiful wood spinning wheel so soon. I'm so grateful.

And, she fits perfectly in this small space in the living room, next to the wood chest David's friend made us. I would say that the streamer you see in this picture has since been taken down from David's birthday, but I would be lying- I'm so bad about taking down decorations.

I've been spinning some green (they call it "peridot") Corriedale that my mom had given me for my birthday in September. Very soft and yummy (from Copper Moose).

Actually, on a side topic, I've been spinning that same roving using my drop spindle. I'm very happily getting almost lace weight, which pleases me greatly.

This is a whole new relationship with my fiber. I like it.



At Monday, January 29, 2007 10:19:00 PM, Blogger Lorena said...

Oh, yay! New wheels bring the happy. Wonderful!

At Wednesday, January 31, 2007 8:28:00 AM, Blogger Hashbrown said...

that is awesome!


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