Sunday, April 08, 2007

New knitterly steps

I got a happy package this week. The yarn!

(Cherry Tree Hill "SuperSock"in Nantucket Red and Loden)

The colors are just what I was hoping for- a red that's not too red, and a nice green. I plan on doing some lace or cables or something with them. After I bought them I heard from David, as you may remember, that he'd like some socks. So I planned to use the green for his cabled socks. When they arrived, although he made clear that he would feel happy and very loved in ANY socks I made him, I could tell something wasn't quite right with the color. He wasn't going to tell me, but I pressed because if I'm knitting him socks, I wanted them to be as perfect as they can be. The truth came out. Apparently Loden reminds him of Boy Scout socks.

Well, that won't do, will it? I now imagine the Loden in a leafy lace pattern- reminiscent of nature, NOT Boy Scouts, and not for my honey.

So, I decided to find other yarn for David. (Poor me, right? ;) I've been wanting to purchase some Lisa Souza yarn for a long time now. This was the moment. So, I have 2 skeins on order from her, which I'll report on when they arrive.

In other news, I picked up 231 stitches for the border on the Flowing River Shawl and knit a few rows. Unfortunately, I got stuck again on the border because the chart didn't make any sense with the increases. I (yet again) emailed the designer and found that it was a mistake. I've been very proud of myself each time I find that my confusion isn't my fault, and instead it's someone else's error. At the same time I'm getting annoyed with having to stop each time. But, the shawl is just so lovely -- it's worth it.

For anyone who might be knitting this shawl and is interested in the mistakes, the two I've found so far are for the border:
1) When you pick up stitches, you actually pick up 115 on each side and 1 in the middle, for a total of 231 stitches, rather than what it says- to pick up 116, then 1 center, then 115 for a total of 232.

2) The chart on the border, outside of the boxed area: After you knit your increases at the edges of the odd numbered rows, that increase should be allowed for on the even numbered rows. I don't know how to explain it really. But, for example, at the end of row 1, when you have increased outside of the boxed area, you will have increased to 3 stitches. Row 2 should show those 3 stitches, rather than the current 2 stitches.

Here's what the shawl is looking like nowadays- basically a pile of thread, because I can't open it up to show the detail.

You may have gathered that my "large-project energy" moved onto the shawl while I was getting the needles for the Simple Knitted Bodice. I now have the needles, so I hope to get to it again soon. At the moment though, the shawl is more enthralling. Here's a pic of how the body looks now with the picot hem edging.

I'm almost done with the second Barn Swallow sock. I'll post again when they're complete.

Today I'm spending some time resting after a terrible migraine last night. I feel pretty weak but hope to gather my strength today so that I can do some work tomorrow. I have a parent meeting to prepare for and I'll be registering for courses at Temple. I've decided to pass out of the intro to research course and move onto the Qualitative Research course, since I did take an intro course in my undergrad. I may be a bit rusty, but I think it'll be worth it.

Happy Easter everyone.


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