Friday, October 20, 2006

A young knitter

Today I went to David's school to pick him up. As is often the case, I had about 30 minutes to kill before his class let out. So, I settled into a comfy chair in the lobby to do my knitting. Also in the lobby sat the 9-year-old daughter of one of David's classmates. MAN was she shy :) But, I remembered her mom telling me that she loves knitting and has been learning. I used my knitting as a lure to get her talking a bit. It was beautiful to see the way talking about knitting opened her up- not much, but some. Apparantly she is currently knitting a rainbow colored headband.

I was impressed by her one question: "What kind of needles are those?"

Me: "They're double pointed needles. I use them so I can knit in the round without sewing up the seams."

Her: *obviously not satisfied*

Me: "They're bamboo"

Her: "Cool!"

She is the first 9-year-old I've met to be interested in what my needles were made of. Well, the first person of any age outside of SnB :)


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